Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acne scar removal cream

« ...I finally decided to research the possibility that food was causing me to breakout. Although many "experts" said it didn't, I was unwillingly to trust them anymore, as they were also telling me to buy their expensive acne products......
...Acne is caused when the pores which contain the hair follicles in our skin get clogged. No one yet understands why exactly these blockages occur, why they are more common in some people, or why they appear in varying degrees of severity. It is also not entirely understood why acne usually occurs during puberty, though during this time hormones are out of control and the sebaceous glands grow rapidly, both of which are probably the primary contributors to acne. When the hair follicles are clogged sebum, a naturally occurring skin oil, gets trapped in the pores. Normally, sebum is beneficial to the skin, helping prevent it from drying and fighting off skin rashes and infections. However, when sebum cannot drain because the pores are clogged, it wells up and become a Petri dish for growing bacteria....»
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«...Back to the good points - Accutane often will keep working for months or even years after you quit taking it, so if you are a good candidate you might want to try it. Lots of teens have benefited from Accutane, and adult acne sufferers also have experienced success!...»
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tags: stopping birth control pills and acne, top acne systems, hydrochloric acid acne

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